Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Today payday mode!~

Wah today so tired after work... can really feel my legs are aching... haha!!! no choice la, worked outside trimming room is like tat de yo... so many docs to serve~ hahaha!!!!

But i think of today is PAY DAY! i very very happy!!!!!!!!! haha after worked, went to meet my parents and transfer $ to them... then for dinner, i pampered myself wif BOTAK JONES.... woo i ordered cajun chicken.. haha nice nice~ but ah, i think they too busy until blurred yo, i wan spicy fries but they give me not spicy de... haha then i give them $10.50 (the dish cost $7.50) but they returned me $2.50... haha! i was like, aiya nvm la... since the food is nice... hahaha!!!!

On the way home, i saw a cat very special yo, its body got those strips like those white tiger lei.... but it is in greyish-white colour la.... i tried to take a pic of it.. but haha turned out the cat's eyes reflect ah, then like it is being possessed, jus like the same in those anime... haha i watched too many anime until i see wat also think of anime.... there is the cat!!

Haha abit hard to see hoh!! haha i took the third time, then it looked at me... haha!!!!

Woo~ i got one more pic to show u all... haha this one is i draw myself on sunday, cos nothing to do!!!!!

Tada!!! My allen walker!!! Kawaii ma?? MUAHAHA!!! The original one is below... So compare and contrast...

Alike ma?? Heez.........

Now drawing chip and dale for my sec sis's bf bday.... my sec sis request de since i never buy present for him... haha!!! in progress in progress....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

where got cat??? dun see the cat at all!!!!

the drawing looks like the real one!